(330) 353-8129

We are so excited to unveil our new site!

In our industry it’s so easy to let your own updates slide because you are so busy working on client projects. But enough is enough! We can’t preach what’s best if we don’t do it ourselves, right? Websites are so crucial to your business. It’s a place for people get a glimpse into who you are and what you do, it helps them be able to get in contact with you, it helps them make a decision on whether or not to use your services or buy your product.

Make sure your website:

  • can be found
  • is responsive
  • is easily consumed
  • is optimized
  • makes visitors take action

So how do people find you?

Google? Do you show up in search? Think about what people would search for and why they would need what you have to offer. For us it would be “custom wedding invitations cleveland ohio” or “website design akron ohio” The goal is that when you put those keywords in your search bar that your site comes up. There are so many factors that go into search ranking and Google keeps changing how they pull information from websites. Keep in mind that when you do make changes, it can take up to 6 months for those changes to make any difference so it’s important to constantly be improving, engaging, and adding valuable content online.